Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bucket List

Rafting Down the Alps in Switzerland

Alright here it is! This is just a rough draft of my personal BUCKET LIST. I want to accomplish everything that is on this list by the time I leave this world! I will continue to add to this list as my life goes on. The one stipulation is that I cannot take ANY item off the list no matter how bad I want to down the road. I realize that some of these things may seam minor or even crazy but they are items that I truly want in my life!

I also promise to document each event in writing and share it with the world. Not only will this keep accountable for my list but it will also keep the memories fresh for me to relive.

1.     Complete the 60 in 60 in Bikram Yoga. This is 60 hour and a half classes in 60 consecutive days
2.     Tandem skydive
3.     Become a certified Scuba Diver
4.     Live in New York for at least 6 months
5.     Be in a Play (does not have to be Broadway!)
6.     Attend cooking school. Not just for personal but for business. I want to start a business that incorporates my new found skills!
7.     Compete in a figure competition
8.     Help someone that I truly dislike
9.     Be on a reality T.V. show (Hopefully the amazing race)
10.   Get arrested (crazy as it sounds I really do want this on my list, and only for something minor)

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