Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Reason Why!

This morning started off as kind of a blur. First of all I over slept, which I haven't done in months, I rushed to get started with my day and get to the gym in time to attend my weigh in session. I was measured, weighted and photographed all within 10 minutes and sent along my way to start the 12 week process. Right after all of the commotion was over I took a brief moment to take in my surroundings and notice the others around me. I saw a few people whom I had crossed paths with while getting my measurements, I saw the "regulars" who are always at the gym, and several others who were in different stages of their routines. I then saw a larger woman with a very disobedient child, who had also just got her measurements. I then thought to myself "what is her motivation?" Was it because she wanted some time out of the house away from her child who would not listen to a word that she said? Was it a doctor telling her she needed to do this for her health? What was her reason why?

I then ask myself the same question. Why am I here? I am in alright shape as it is, why not be happy? I then remember why I started to workout in the first place. This portion requires a little bit of family history so please stay with me! Probably about 10 years ago now my grandmother decided that she was going in to get a tummy tuck. She was about 60, in good health but just had what she called a "flap" from having kids that never when away. Being a young teenager I was shocked that she had decided to go in and get this done, but it was her decision and her body. I think the bigger shock was that my Grandfather supported this decision because his way of thinking has and will always be, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Obviously Granny over ruled in this case and when under the knife the next day.She came out a new woman! After going shopping she would model her new clothes and show off to her friends. I don't know how many times we heard the story of how much weight was actually lost and how much she loved her new look. My grandmother finally had the body SHE had been waiting for her entire life.

Well a few years after that my mom was facing the same battle but her decision was a lot easier seeing that my grandmother had just had the procedure done. I remember her being nervous about telling my brother and I about it because she thought we would judge her for making this decision. That was not the case at all! We both love our mother very much and want her to be happy in her own body. And she was!

Now that you know the family secret this brings me to my reason! My mom has always told me, "As I am now, you will one day be." Trust me those are her exact words and I hated when she said that. None of us want to grow up to be our dorky parents! Well now that I am older I can see that she is right, I am becoming just like her. I have her desire for life, her ambition to get things done, and her readiness to help someone else. The only thing that I do not want to get from my mother is the unhappiness with my own body that at the age of 50 I have to go under the knife to fix the things I do not like.

I love my mother and I know that her reasons why made her so happy in the end. I just don't want to wait until I am 50 to be fully happy with my body.

This is my vow; I vow not to be a 3rd generation tummy tuck! I promise myself right now that I will start a life filled with good health, proper diet, achieving a body that I am happy with. 

Granny's 72nd Birthday

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